Send email to user with pytonik framework, this could be one part you really want to look at. Pytonik provides module that handles sending of emails and file attachment to users. this module has two methods send and attach . Before your application can to send or receive email. SMTP settings has to be enabled, to do so, we will work through and see how to configure our web application to send out email to users

SMTP Environment Setting- you might wonder where to get the setting below, you can get smtp settings from your email providers or emailing server, example GMAIL, YAHOO, OUTLOOK or Custom email host.

    'server':   '',
    'port':     26,
    'username': '',
    'password': '231222',

Import Module

from pytonik.Core.SMTP import SMTP

Callable .. code-block:: python

mail = SMTP()

Example: Variable and Strings

subject = "My pytonik"
content = "I love Pytonik framework"
from = ""
to = "”

Example: Sending Email to user

sent = mail.send(from, to, subject, content, header='html')

Example: Sending Email with attachment to user

file = "my_attachment.pdf"
attached = mail.attach(file).send(from, to, subject, content)

Example: Rename file attachment before sending email and attachment to user

file = "my_attachment.pdf"
rename = "rename file"
attached = mail.attach(file, rename).send(from, to, subject, content)