Environment File

Pytonik environment file contains properties with argument. It is the first step that needs to be taken to setup file and make sure it is configured properly. It handles all pytonik application settings that will be used to developed web application and the environment file is saved as .env

Pytonik framework cannot run or function without setting all necessary environment file argument requirement.

.env Properties :

  • route
  • dbConnect
  • languages
  • SMTP
  • error


route set all default method for reused purposes, either to pass on parameters or revoking controller, below is the illustration. We’ll be using ContactController.py and BlogController.py for demonstrations.

        'edit': 'ContactController@edit',

       'blog': 'blogController@read:id:para',


How to defined route:

Custom 'edit': 'ContactController@edit' edit is function in ContactController.py Controller.

Check the result out here, now we will be having:- http://example.com/edit instead of http://example.com/contact/edit

Pass parameter 'blog': 'blogController@read:id:para' Where id and para is an argument and read is a function in `` BlogController.py`` Controller. Check the result out here, now we will be having:- http://example.com/blogs/1/tea instead of http://example.com/blog/read/id/1/para/tea


dbConnect set all Database connection parameters. configure pytonik to work with MYSQL database, parameters are required to enable database to function probably


              'host': 'localhost',

              'database': 'pytonik-database',

              'prefix': 'prefix_',

              'password': 'database-password',

              'username': 'database-username',

              'port': 'database-port',

              'driver': 'MYSQL'


              'host': 'localhost',

              'database': 'pytonik-database',

              'prefix': 'prefix_',

              'password': 'database-password',

              'username': 'database-username',

              'port': 'database-port',

              'driver': 'Oracle'


              'host': 'localhost',

              'database': 'pytonik-database',

              'prefix': 'prefix_',

              'password': 'database-password',

              'username': 'database-username',

              'port': 'database-port',

              'driver': 'pyPgSQL'



        'path': 'folderDB',

        'prefix': 'prefix_',

        'name': 'databasefile.db'

        'driver': 'SQLite'

** Note: ** pytonik driver supports only SQLite, `` MYSQL``, Oracle and PostgreSQL Database


`` Pytonik `` supports internationalize, all languages files are store in lang folder, to enable web application to run multiple language translations, environment file needs to be configured with all necessary argument, below used English as en , French as fr and Russian as ru. The language file is saved as .py

Example: en.py, fr.py , ru.py

   'en': 'en',
   'fr': 'fr',
   'ru': 'ru',

Note: Our web application will be using English as the default language which is en. defined as follow 'default_languages':'en'


To enable application to send mails to or fro, pytonik framework requires `` SMTP `` setting as follows.

    'server':   'test@server.com',
    'port':     '25',
    'username': 'test@example.com',
    'password': 'testpassword',

Note: Web application that requires sending of electronic mails, above setting is compulsory.


pytonik provides support for error page handling to avoid showing of errors, programing bug or codes to the audience, it handles error such as:- method not found / error in method 400, page not found 404 and controller not found 405.

    '400':   'custom/error400',
    '404':     'custom/error404',
    '405': 'custom/error405',


We will look at how to define all default properties as such routes , controllers , actions and languages. Below are examples and you can as well set yours differently.

'default_controllers' :'index',
'default_actions': 'index',
'default_routes' : 'index',
'default_languages': 'en'

Why default_controllers are set to index means that the application depends on IndexController, let say your index page is being pointed to IndexController.

Why default_actions are set to index means all default methods are set to index respective of the controller.

Why default_routes are set to index means application points to IndexController.

Why default_languages set to en means application is using en.py language file by default for internationalization.